Injury Biomechanics and Ergonomics

UMTRI conducts research on the biomechanics of motor vehicle occupants as it relates to occupant injuries, crash protection, and occupant accommodation. Researchers use state-of-the-art laboratory testing facilities, three-dimensional computer modeling, and data analysis techniques to conduct a wide range of research, specifically:
- Impact biomechanics, involving lab work with human surrogates to study the response of the human body to dynamic loading.
- Crash data analysis to identify the mechanisms involved in motor-vehicle injury and assess the performance of occupant protection systems.
- Computational human body modeling to assess the effects of crashes and other loading scenarios on human response and injury.
- Engineering anthropometry and vehicle ergonomics, including extensive testing with volunteers to characterize their posture, motion, and body shape while interacting with vehicles, seats, and other systems.
Selected Publications
- Al-Dirini R, Nisyrios J, Reed MP, and Thewlis D (2017) Quantifying the in-vivo quasi-static response to loading of sub-dermal tissues in the human buttock using magnetic resonance imaging. Clinical Biomechanics, 50:70-77.
- Al-Dirini RM, Reed MP, Hu J, Thewlis D (2016) Development and validation of a high anatomical fidelity FE model for the buttock and thigh of a seated individual. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 44(9): 2805-2816.
- Choi DK, Koo BY, Park BK, Kim JJ, and Park EJ. (2016) Generic analytical osteotomy model for three-dimensional surgical planning in opening wedge high tibial osteotomy. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30(8):3877-3885.
- Ebert SM, Klinich KD, Manary MA Malik LM, Reed MP. (2018) Toddler Lower Extremity Posture in Child Restraint Systems. UMTRI 2014-8, 2018, (Report No. DOT HS 812 470). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, DC
- Hu J (2016) Height of head centre of gravity predicts paediatric head injury severity in short-distance falls. BMJ Evidence-based Medicine 22:36.
- Hwang E, Hu J, Reed MP (2020) Validating diverse human body models against side impact tests with post-mortem human subjects. Journal of Biomechanics 98:109444.
- Jones MLH, Ebert S, Manary MA, Reed MP, Klinich KD (2020) Child posture and belt fit in a range of booster configurations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3):810.
- Jones MLH, Ebert SM, and Reed MP. (2016) Effects of High Levels of Obesity on Driver Seat Belt Fit. Technical Report ATLAS 2015-016. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Kang N, Burnap A, Kim KH, Reed MP, and Papalambros PY. (2017) Influence of automobile seat form and comfort rating on willingness-to-pay. International Journal of Vehicle Design. 75(1-4):75-90.
- Manary MA, Flannagan CA, Reed MP, Orton NR, Klinich KD. (2019) Effects of child restraint misuse on dynamic performance. Traffic Injury Prevention.
- Masoud H, Jin J, and Reed MP. (2019) Sample size calculations for a functional human motion analysis: application to vehicle ingress discomfort prediction. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 69:23-28.
- Masoud H, Reed MP, Paynabar K, Jin JH, Kozak KK, Wang N, Wan J, and Gomez-Levi G. (2016) Predicting subjective responses from human motion: application to vehicle ingress assessment. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 138(6): 061001.
- Park J, Ebert SM, Reed MP, and Hallman JJ (2018) Comparison of three-point belt fit between humans and ATDs in rear seats. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(S1):S65-S69.
- Park J, Ebert SM, Reed MP, and Hallman JJ (2020) Comparison of Three-Point Belt Fit between Humans and Hybrid-III Anthropometric Test Devices in a Driver Mockup. Traffic Injury Prevention. 21(1): 98-101.
- Park J, Ebert SM, Reed MP, and Hallman JJ. (2016) A statistical model including age to predict passenger postures in the rear seats of automobiles. Ergonomics 59(6):796-805.
- Park J, Jones MLH, Ebert SM, Reed MP, and Hallman J. (2018) Driver head locations: considerations for head restraint design. Traffic Injury Prevention 19(8):825-831.
- Park J, Reed MP, and Hallman JJ. (2016) Statistical models for predicting automobile driving postures for men and women including effects of age. Human Factors 58(2):261-278.
- Reed MP and Ebert SM. (2016) Evaluation of the seat index point tool for military seats. SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0309. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles.
- Reed MP and Ebert SM. (2018) Effects of Recline on Passenger Posture and Belt Fit. Technical Report UMTRI-2018-2. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Reed MP and Klinich KD (2016) Predicting vehicle belt fit for children Ages 6-12. Traffic Injury Prevention 17(1):58-64.
- Reed MP, Ebert SM, and Boyle KJ. (2017) Development and Validation of a Toddler Manikin for Assessing Belt Fit in Aviation Seats. Technical Report UMTRI-2017-7. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Reed MP, Ebert SM, and Jones MLH (2017) Vehicle Occupant Nationality Study: Japanese. Technical Report UMTRI-2017-3. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Reed MP, Ebert SM, and Jones MLH. (2019). Road Vehicle Passenger Behaviors: A Video Study. UMTRI Technical Report 2019-20. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Reed MP, Ebert SM, and Jones MLH. (in press) Posture and belt fit in reclined passenger seats. Traffic Injury Prevention
- Reed MP, Ebert SM, Park B-KD, and Jones MLH. (2018) Passenger Kinematics During Crash Avoidance Maneuvers. Technical Report UMTRI-2018-5. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Reed MP, Ebert SM, Park B-KD, and Jones MLH. (2020) Analysis of Body Movement Patterns and Subjective Discomfort Ratings in Long-Duration Sitting. UMTRI Technical Report 2020-1. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Reed MP. (2016) Extremity Postures and Activities in Naturalistic Driving. Technical Report UMTRI-2016-20. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Reed MP. (2018) Analysis of Driver Knee Contours for Vehicle Interior Design. Technical Report UMTRI-2018-1. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Slykhouse L, Zaseck LW, Miller C, Humm JR, Alai A, Kang YS, Dooley C, Sherman D, Bigler B, Demetropoulos CK, Reed MP, and Rupp JD. (2019) Anatomically-based skeletal coordinate systems for use with impact biomechanics data intended for anthropomorphic test device development. Journal of Biomechanics 92: 162-168.
- Stirling S, Kelty-Stephen D, Fineman R, Jones MLH, Park B-KD, Reed MP, Parham J, and Choi HJ. (2020) Static, Dynamic, and Cognitive Fit of Exosystems for the Human Operator. Human Factors. 62(3):424-440.DOI: 10.0018720819896898.
- Tang L, Zheng J, Hu J (2020) A Numerical Investigation of Factors Affecting Lumbar Spine Injuries in Frontal Crashes Accident Analysis & Prevention. 136:105400.
- Wood LK and Brooks SV (2016) Ten weeks of treadmill running decreases stiffness and increases collagen turnover in tendons of old mice. Journal of Orthopedics Research 34:346-353.
- Zaseck LW, Bonifas A, Miller CS, Orton NR, Reed MP, Demetropoulos CK, Ott KA, Dooley CJ, Kuo NP, Strohsnitter LM, Andrist JR, Luongo ME, Drewry DG, Merkle AC, and Rupp JD (2019) Kinematic and Biomechanical Response of PMHS Subjects Under Various Pre-Impact Postures to High-Rate Vertical Loading Conditions. Stapp Car Crash J 63:235-266.
- Zaseck LW, Miller RA, and Brooks SV (2016) Rapamycin attenuates age-associated changes in tibialis anterior tendon viscoelastic properties. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 71:858-865.
- Zerehsaz Y, Jin J, and Reed MP. (2017) Development of seating accommodation models for soldiers in vehicles. Ergonomics 60(4): 589-596.
- Zerehsaz Y, Jin J, Ebert SM, and Reed MP. (2017) Statistical prediction of eye locations for drivers of military ground vehicles. International Journal of Vehicle Design. 59:20-28.