Paul A. Green

Research Professor



2901 Baxter Rd. 

Ann Arbor, MI 48109


(734) 763-3795

Primary Website

Name of lab or center, linked to website

Additional Appointments

Research Professor and Adjunct Professor, Industrial and Operation Engineering

Group Head, UMTRI Human Factors Group


Research Interests

The goal of my work is to advance the safety and usability of things people use (e.g., motor vehicles, medical facilities) through education and research.  The focus is on predicting driver distraction and driver workload as well as practical issues related to the use of visual-manual and speech interfaces.  The approach is typically to examine some real system, but then to follow up and build models of how that system is used, with particular emphasis on predicting task times.  A typical outcome of that research is improved research methods and evaluation procedures, as well as design recommendations and design standards. I have written 4 SAE recommended practices and standards, with the latest being a landmark document that defines driving performance measures and statistics (SAE J2944).  That unfunded activity took 8 years to complete.  Beyond driving, my efforts have been to advance human factors engineering more generally.  It is for that reason that I have been so intensively involved in the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.  I am rewriting the operating rules for the Society and lead an effort to require that standards be cited in HFES publications, an activity this project will help advance.  

Student Engagement

Dr. Green regularly supervises undergraduate students and graduate students as part of his research projects. These have included students participating in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) and  Multidisciplinary Design Programs (MDP).

He directs the Human Factors Engineering Short Course, the flagship continuing education course in the profession (started in 1959). He teaches IOE 436. Human Factors in Computer Systems and IOE 437. Automotive Human Factors.



Philadelphia, PA

Personal Interests/Hobbies

Volleyball, sailing, fixing the house

Additional Information

ORCID: 0000-0002-1864-3931