Steve Karamihas

Visiting Researcher



2901 Baxter Rd.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109


734 764 6504

Primary Website




Research Interests

Mr. Karamihas has been heavily involved in the measurement and interpretation of longitudinal road profiles for 25 years. Mr. Karamihas has also conducted multiple studies of the factors that affect accuracy and repeatability of high-speed longitudinal road profile measurement. This has involved systematic study of the equipment, the manner in which it is operated, and special problems posed by the pavement itself, often culminating in recommendations that appear in AASHTO standards. This has also involved the conduct and execution of several profiler comparison experiments, including the largest ever conducted; application of many signal analysis methods to road profiles, including customization of cross correlation to profile comparison; and development of profiler performance criteria, including sole authorship of the Critical Profiler Accuracy Requirements report.

Mr. Karamihas has also collaborated with other UMTRI researches to design specialized profiling equipment, including the FHWA Urban and Low-Speed Profiler, the FHWA Benchmark Profiler, a custom profiler for study of height sensor footprint, and research systems for simultaneous measurement of profile and ride quality.


Key Projects


Additional Information

ORCID 0000-0002-7480-3952