Experiential Learning

Interested in an experiential opportunity at UMTRI? Contact: Monica Jones (mhaumann@umich.edu)
UMTRI supports the University of Michigan’s educational mission by providing opportunities to perform research relating to transportation safety and mobility. Each year, over 100 students conduct research at UMTRI. Opportunities for experiential learning at UMTRI include:
Student Research Assistants: Many research projects have funding to provide paid research experience for undergraduate and graduate student researchers. Undergraduates usually work 5-10 hours and graduate students work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year, and students work 20-40 hours per week in the summer. Work-study students are eligible, but work-study is not required. During the summer, UMTRI holds a Summer Student Seminar series where students can learn more about transportation safety research through weekly lectures offered by UMTRI faculty and staff. Postings for available student research positions can be found here; search for UMTRI as a keyword.
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE): The SURE program offers paid summer internships to sophomores or juniors to assess their interest and potential to pursue research in graduate school. UMTRI faculty have posted potential SURE research projects here.
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP): Undergraduate researchers (mostly first-year students) work 6-10 hours a week during the academic year under supervision by an UMTRI faculty member. Students can earn credit or be paid by the UROP program. Faculty members post available research projects each summer, and students apply to work on projects each September.
M-STEM Academy Summer Research Program: The University of Michigan’s M-STEM academy is designed to increase, strengthen and diversify the number of students choosing to pursue degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math. M-STEM students are eligible for paid research internships funded by the Academy.
Community College Summer Fellowship Program (CCSFP): The UROP program also sponsors the CCSFP, at 10-week paid internship for sophomores and juniors currently enrolled in community colleges who are interested in transferring to UM.
Independent Research: Students can perform research at UMTRI for credit at either the undergraduate or graduate level.
Postdoctoral Researchers: Some research projects have funding available to support recent graduates who have completed their doctoral degrees. Current postings for Postdocs
Visiting Scholars: Researchers with academic appointments at other universities can spend a year working with UMTRI researchers. Funding is provided by the guest institution. Opportunities are also available for visiting PhD students.