Headshot of Efe Yarbasi

Efe Yamac Yarbasi

Assistant Research Scientist



2901 Baxter Rd.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Primary Website

Dr. Yarbasi’s Website


Research Interests

Dr. Yarbasi’s expertise encompasses uncertainty quantification in complex systems, verification and validation (V&V) activities, robotics, energy systems modeling in smart building infrastructure, and systems engineering. Before joining UMTRI, he extensively collaborated with government and industry on various projects, spanning from development of a surgical endoscopy robot to energy optimization of a net-zero-energy building. At Georgia Tech, he worked with international experts on a NATO STO project to create a validation database for simulation environments in air and sea vehicle design. His dissertation furthered this work by developing a comprehensive methodology for identifying critical uncertainties in complex multidisciplinary design, and guiding experimentation to mitigate these uncertainties.

Dr. Yarbasi’s research interests focus on developing safe and reliable autonomous vehicles, leveraging smart city infrastructure to enhance transportation safety and efficiency, and integrating Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) systems with other transportation modes. His overarching goal is to contribute to the creation of a transportation ecosystem that is safe, efficient, and equitable, paving the way for a sustainable future in mobility.

He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).


Member, AIAA

Personal Interests


Ankara, Turkey